Which Plasma version on Netrunner?

So I’m currently running KDE Neon, which given how Ubuntu is going, means I’m to rebuild in the not too distant future. So I was planning on Debian, and dealing with slower Plasma updates, but then came across Netrunner. So how up to date with Plasma does Netrunner plan to keep things? As in will Plasma 6 be available via Netrunner before it’s in Debian stable, or even Debian testing? Do you have a “testing” like Debian testing, for newer libs/Plasma 6, that matches with Debian testing?

“[…]will Plasma 6 be available via Netrunner before it’s in Debian stable, or even Debian testing?[…]”

Netrunner uses Debian stable as its base, which means updates to packages such as those of Plasma, KDE Frameworks, and Qt will come from Debian directly. The packages of Plasma and KF in Debian are updated periodically, but they’re not the latest versions, as you’d find in KDE Neon; that includes Debian testing, unstable and even experimental.

To answer your question, Plasma 6 will be in Netrunner simultaneously as it is on the next Debian stable.

“[…]Do you have a “testing” like Debian testing, for newer libs/Plasma 6, that matches with Debian testing?”

No. Netrunner does not have an equivalent repository. As mentioned, packages in the Netrunner repository are built on and target Debian stable, currently Debian 12 or bookworm.